Garage and Wood Storage System In Phoenix
Article By ShortyWe moved to Phoenix AZ, where the sun shines down every day, and is pretty hard on your car. Plus in Houston, our car would be broken into about once a year. Well, I shouldn't say broken into, my wife would leave her car unlocked, and someone would walk the neighborhood, opening all the doors of unlocked cars and take everything they could from the cars like change from the ash tray, sunglasses, cell phones etc. So parking in the garage had become a priority.

With both of our cars in there, there isn't much room for a storage of wood. So I thought about it for a while, and realized that for the most part, the wood I keep is only 11" wide, but many pieces are very long. I made this very narrow set of shelves and can slide the long boards in from the end. That plus I no longer stock that much wood. Phoenix is SO DRY that wood warps really badly here. I had a sheet of 1/4" luan the contorted really badly in just a week - so I only buy wood just before I start a project, and only get enough for that one project.
My shelves might look like they are too short, and there are too many, but after using it for a while, it is perfect. I can keep the various small scraps segregated, and see them all at once so I use up the small pieces, instead of cutting into a new board.
I also have a couple of sails that are rolled on the booms, and that takes up one of the shelves.
The big sheets of plywood get stood up to the right. You can see that I only have about half a sheet in stock, plus a few small pieces.
And yes, I spray painted "I (heart) My Wife" on the garage floor. Her car drips oil right in the middle of the heart, so that is where I sweep most of the sawdust and just leave it there to collect the oil. Mechanic says $2500 to repair the gasket, still saving up for that.

Has everything you would need -- the saw on the side, a good flat surface to work on, the basic hand tools on the backboard, and the rest of the tools secured underneath in the cabinet.
It could be built just about anywhere, like just out back of the garage door, all you would need to do is put down a concrete pad. From building my pond, I now know how easy that is.
Guess what? A couple of months after moving into our house, I met a guy here that built this exact workbench in his back yard. He had plenty of space in his garage, he just wanted a bench near his boat.
After seeing the sketch, my friend Tim suggested that the lift up cover be larger, so that when up, it would also provide shade. Great idea !!