My Simple DIY Hovercraft For Kids
Article By ShortySo I picked a junk lawnmower up at the dump, it looks like it has a good engine, but a bad oil leak. Since it has a vertical shaft, it won't work with my chomper, so I was dreaming about other projects I could use it for. Always thought hovercraft were neat, and I remember seeing an episode of Junk Yard Wars where they built a couple of hovercraft. Started kicking around the idea and sketched a few things up, and called my friend Tim to pick his brain. He told me of an old time refrigerator mover he saw on TV, it had a skirt to go around the frig, and you would hookup your vaccuum cleaner to it. Later that day, I was cleaning up the yard with my leaf blower, and PING!, the light went on in my head.