Tim Cowden Continues 2003
Article By Shorty

Tim Cowden, also know as "The Other Tim" always has a neat project to unveil at the messabout.
The boat shown here is named "Binder Clip" and had been receiving continual updates as messabouts progress.

Here is Tim's trusty paddle, it has survived from a previous homemade boat, and now has brand new lightning holes.
Supposedly to lighten up the weight of the paddle, but I suspect mostly for looks - you have heard of the back packers that drill holes in the handles of their tooth brushes, right?

And he is off! Look at how lightning fast he is with the new holy paddle!

Whew, guess lightning really takes a lot of effort.

This is a neat tidbit, a winged rudder.

The part that really excited me was his simple gudgeon and pintle set!
Look at how simple that setup is!
Couple of conduit hangers, and a section of pvc for a bushing.

Just look at how simple that foot peg steering is!
The Mini 12 has foot steering, but many more parts.
Also notice that while using the cheapo stick and bungee, he goes ahead and buys real marine pulleys to guide the clothes line to the rudder.

A little test paddling with the amas...

Whoops!! So I asked Christina to stand in front of Tim while he held his paddle part like so, but as soon as she caught what I was going for, she moved.
Would have been a good picture.

I was out sailing when he constructed the poly sail, otherwise would have gotten pictures of it.

There is a story behind how Tim curved the PVC pipes, I listed to it, but can't remember exactly how it was done.
Know there was something about a heater under a tent.
Heard about what Tim has in store for next time, and it sounds like a lot of fun -- very different from current thread, and could start a whole new line of experiments.
Can't wait till September!
(No, I can't tell you what it is, top secret experiment!)
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