Cartopper Sailboat 2002
Article By Shorty

George Eggleson brought his Bolger "Cartopper" which is currently under construction.
We had clogged up the area with our cars and George had to park way in the back and carry his boat down to the beach area.
If I were faster with the camera, I could have taken a picture of him carrying it on his head.
Would have been a great example of why it is called a "Cartopper", such a big boat, but light enough to haul around like this.

Would you look at us pirana rush over?

Get out of the way so I can take a picture! There, that is better.. :)
Tried to get George to wrap his boat up in plastic and launch it like Tim's, but no amount of arm twisting could convince him.

Sitting here on the right is Randy Watkins, and I didn't catch the names of the two to the left -- if anyone knows could you tell me so I can update the web page.

Ron and Myra Liston stopped by, they are the owners of the Conroe Yacht Club.
Ron told me an interesting bit of history about the club, when they were first constructing the breakwater, they made their own pile driver and worked hard at creating an earthen breakwater to protect the slips.
Upon finishing, they had a gathering and celebrated with champaign.
The very next weekend, a hurricane came in creating 20 foot waves that totally destroyed everything they had done.
Not one to be defeated, we are all glad that they persevered to rebuild and complete the club as we know and love it today.
Thanks for lending us your club for our gathering! It is the best facility of all Lake Conroe.
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