Winter Wren and Martha Jane 2002
Article By Shorty

David and his son Glen Porter brought a beautiful Sam Devlin designed Winter Wren IIa.

David is a soon to be retired fireman, and enjoyed building the Wren so much that he has opened a boat building business "Porter Wooden Boatbuilding".

Tim Webber (the Tim in "Tim and Shorty"), brought his Martha Jane.

One of the leeboards had cracked, and this is the newly made leeboard.

Just inside the compaionway hatch are detailed drawings of mermaids and some whales.
At a sea scout even, a scout came up to Tim and said "Mr. Webber, there are some dirty pictures in your boat".
Tim pointed out, that was the difference between 12 and 56, the drawings weren't dirty pictures at his age.
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