Junk Yard Wars meets Messabout
Article By Shorty

Here Tim is holding up the rig that Sandra pulled from her car.

She said NO--NO--NO, you instictively put the narrow end at the peak, this is totally incorect to her therum.
Sandra has been studying the wind tunnel research that C.A. Marchaj conducted and came up with a new concept design spinnaker.
She went on about how a spinnaker's REAL driving force is the leward, not windward side, and as the wind starts to create laminar flow at the narrow end typically at the top of the mast, and spreads to the wide end down low forcing the bow down into the water.

Her concept was to re-shape the sail into a very deep pocket that would enhance lamination of air around the sides of the sail and to put the wide part at the top so it would lift the bow as it pulls forward.
I am thinking "Sounds Greek to me!" - glad to have the camera so I don't have to be the test pilot in this affair.

A borrowed paddle to make a mast.

One last modification before Tim the test pilot was to set off.

He "chutes"...

He SCORES!!!!! Sandra was very happy with the results, the sail performed without flaw and propelled that little plywood boat much faster than Tim wanted it to.

Our test pilot and a well deserved Coke.
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