Michalak Caprice Sailboat
Article By ShortyDefinately the star of the day, Chuck has built a Michalak Caprice.
A note about Jim Michalak's name, I have heard several version of how it is pronounced: Mish-a-lack, Mick-all-eck... so I asked Jim and he says "Imagine the word "metallic" with a k where the t is and you have it."

Note about water ballast - earlier during one of the first sails out Chuck was forward tending something and they became crosswise to the wind. The sheet was cleated and a gust hit. The caprice was reported to heal to a certain degree, then stiffened up and wouldn't go any further. The sheet was released and the boat popped back upright just like it was supposed to.
Note about the test area - coincedentally, the first Michalak Scram Pram to be built was also roll-over tested in this very same spot. Even though I was unable to convince Jerry Scott to bring his IMB (also first of it's kind) into the water here for a roll over test, I think this little patch of beach should be known as the "Michalak Testing Grounds", so if you build on of his boats, come on down to N30-23.097 W095-35.587 to test her out!
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