Conroe Yacht Club 2001
Article By Shorty

The yacht club is located along the side of an inlet (or cove?) and has a long breakwater with lots of permanent slips.
The messabout was held just in front of the trees to the right of the picture.

It was a really windy & gusty day.
A little after I took this picture, lots of whitecaps apeared out in the lake.
I was facing almost directly into the wind for this picture.

The club has a nice club house with a couple of bathrooms, kitchen and sitting area.

Just past the deck there is a large grass area with climbing and swing sets for the kids.
One afternoon when I was up here my daughter thoroughly tested the equipment while I was setting up my boat.

Looking to the left a little more this is one of the two ramps the club has.

Another nice feature of the club is their maintenance shed with a sling hoist.
You can see a boat about to be hoisted.
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