Couple Maiden Voyages
Article By Shorty

There goes Tim in the June Bug. He is sailing right for shallow waters. After he got to the other side, Tim could reach down and touch the bottom without leaning over the side. Neat how the June Bug kept sailing in only an inch or two of water.

Back from the first voyage, Tim is very pleased with his new boat.

I heard "don't take a picture of this", so I turned around, and took a picture. This is a good demonstration how stable this little square boat is.

Some more stability testing.

And off he goes.

The IMB is about to take it's first dip. Right after this picture, just as the boat touched the water it gently floated off. Wish my camera could take faster sequence of photos.

There is one thing about this design that wasn't aparent untill it was in the water.

Without special ports cut in the side, it would be dificult to paddle. The ports are now on the top of the modification list.

Both the rescue boats were launched, and one was used to tow out. Here the rigging is about to go up.

Look at that! Isn't she beautiful? Things are really looking good.

Uh-oh, the rigging fell down. The skipper is up on deck trying to fix it. Notice the two rescue boats: both have 2 people aboard, a pilot and a photographer. Both rescue boats are photographing the event instead of rescuing the IMB from the shallow muddy bottom it is drifting towards.

Not sure exactly how the rescue went, but I saw an anchor get thrown out and I think one rescue boat rescued the second, which was rescuing the IMB. Have to ask Chuck and see what happened because that is some shallow water they are in.

With the rigging back up the IMB sailed the rest of the afternoon.

Out there in the big water.

I missed the crew boarding. After this picture the IMB came back in and picked up 2 more people.

Heading back out with a full belly, the IMB looks like it is performing even better.

Tim went out for a little paddle.

Where is the sail? This work stuff is for the young people. I need some polytarp for this thing!

The IMB made a couple more turns then headed for the beach.

It did the most amazing thing: one guy was sitting on the bow and was going to fast when it hit the beach that he was ejected off the boat! (wasn't hurt, just tossed off quickly) First boat I have heard of with ejection seating!

Tim's son took the June Bug out. I thought it just might go over with some of the gusts that were picking up, but he kept it stable.

All done sailing for the day.