Drive up to Lake Conroe
Article By Shorty

I live in The Woodlands, which is just north of Houston. Lake Conroe is about 15 minutes north of where I live. I had looked at Tim Webber's web page, and it said "The only organized activities will be on April 15, 1999 starting at about 9:30AM". Since this was my first messabout, I didn't
want to be late. I left my house at 6:30 so I could arrive in plenty of time. This is a van that was in front of me on the freeway. I guess I wasn't the only one with boating on my mind that morning.

I went up I-10 and then headed west on hwy 105. The main landmark on this road (atleas for my family) is the McDonalds that has it's own dock. Whenever we go up to Conroe, we have lunch there, sitting on the benches next to the dock. We watch all the boats and feed the ducks. Those ducks are some of the fattest ducks I have ever seen.

This is Walden Road where you make the turn off hwy 105.

This is what Walden looks like. Very neat little town.

River Road, make a left

Conroe Yacht Club entrance, make a right

Go 600 feet or so

Well, I was a little early. The only other person there was John Gross. He is one of the officers in the Conroe Yacht Club. He was fixing up equipment all around the club and I tagged along with him for a couple of hours untill everyone else showed up. While talking with him, he pointed out an unused Vagabond 17 sail boat. I ended up purchasing it 2 days later.
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