Racing Ice Burgers Against Randy Titanic
Article By Shorty

Randy's team got the inside lane.

It was nice to have them in the water first, that way the soak away blocks could have a little extra time to soak and break free.

I helped load our boat up with the girls.
Carefully lowering them into the boat.
If they hopped in, they would go right thru the bottom.

I should have loaded the heaviest kids in the port forward section, since I sat in the starboard stern.
You can see that I am dragging the stern transom on my side, but wasn't that bad.

As per plan, we wandered far right pretending to get lost, so that others could get around the mark and away from us.

The batman boat just wasn't moving that fast, so we came up behind and helped push them out of the way.

Made a turn and went for the titanic !!

Rammed her a couple more times just for show.

Then we made our escape.

After all the turning, waiting and ramming, we ended up coming in 2nd place in that race, but weren't fast enough to move onto the next heat.