Win Youth Division Cardboard Boat Race
Article By Shorty

We were able to win all 3 heats and won the class 1 youth division.

We stopped by the judges trailer and Jim Lemon let us get a picture with him.
He is the main organizer and purchased the territory rights to hold cardboard boat races in our area, this is the 6th regatta he has organized and it is the largest of all the cardboard boat races in the world.
Thanks a bunch for organizing the events Jim!

We made a good team and it was a ton of fun.

I have known about the cardboard boat races for about 5 years but always viewed it as a waste of time.
Having been thru the process, I can see the light now.
Once a year you get an opportunity to build another boat that actually has a purpose, but afterwards you don't have to take it home to clutter up your yard.
The cardboard construction is very quick, you can cut corners just about everywhere and it doesn't matter.
There are many other goals to build a boat other than winning the speed contest, they have the Vogue, Pride Of The Regatta, Best Dressed Team, Team Spirit, Titanic, Rotary Cup Challenge, People's Choice, and other awards.
Next year, Margaret hopes to get 4 or more teams entered into the race, and I plan on entering my own personal boat, and possibly collaborating with others to make large boats for the max of 10 crew.
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