Media Event - Show Off Cardboard Boats
Article By Shorty

Bright and early at 5am on Friday, the media held their own mini-race and anyone with a cardboard boat that showed up got to be on TV too.

We brought all 3 boats down to display.

This is the trophy hat that the winning media person would get to keep.
The same guy has won the past 3 years in a row.

They went around and interviewed us all live on TV.

Here is the start of the race, and you can see our practice boat out there in the water.
They let us sit out there, but we couldn't race against the media guys.

Can't remember his name, but he won again this year.

The guy on the right holding one of our paddles is the mayor of Tempe.

Then we took the boats over to the storage area at Tempe Beach Park.
You can see that the skeg was damaged previously, and it looked like it was going to fall off in the road!
Later on I glued it back on, that was the first of many repairs.
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