Conroe Yacht Club to Jack In The Box Sailing Adventure
Article By Shorty
Sail to Jack In The Box -- This is the story of a great adventure that takes place on Lake Conroe, which is near Houston Texas.

Here we are in the driveway about to leave for the lake. My daughter is testing the whistle that is attached to her life jacket. She knows that she is only supposed to blow it if she is in trouble while at the lake. Of course she is allowed to test it when not on the lake and she enjoys testing it on the drive all the way up to the lake!

One of the things that make our sailing trips more fun for my daughter are her toys that she pulls behind our boat. I attached a snap cleat to a rainbow colored jump rope. She snaps on different toys and then tows them while we are underway.

Towing the "Sub Tug". Because her toy boat is just a plastic shell type without built in floatation, it often sinks below the water while being towed.

The lake was fairly empty. We only saw a few other boats, here is a Hobie 14.

Not sure which one this was, looked like about 20'.

Approaching the docks of Jack In The Box (a fast food restaurant).

Opposite the dock is a small public muddy sand beach. Didn't have enough time to play on the beach but we will have to next time.

After getting our food we headed back to the boat. My buddy Tim stayed on the boat while I retrieved a kid meal, drinks, fries and onion rings.

It was a gusty day and since my main doesn't have any reef points we decided to leave the jib off.

Kid meal and a cabin to eat it in.

This boat had such a shiny hull you could see clear reflections of the ripples in the water

The sun was starting to head down and we needed to head back to the yacht club.

Another picture of the setting sun.

Give me that GPS Daddy! I'll find our way back to the yacht club!

See, there it is, just like I said.