Test Kayak Emergency Flotation
Article By ShortyI am a bit psycho when it comes to emergency floatation. If I am going to own a boat, I am going to take it out into deep water, and sooner or later the weather is going to catch me out there, and I am going to get tossed out.
I have been infatuated with this boat since I first put it on the water, but one big nagging problem was I didn't think I would be able to paddle it from sitting inside, and have an airbox big enough to self recover. I used a couple of planks that were test screwed across the gunnels at various places, these were to simulate where I would put the bulkheads. I found that to comfortably paddle while sitting on the bottom of the hull, the furthest forward I could put the stern bulkhead was 17.5". This would only allow me to have 149 lbs of lifting power from the stern airbox.
Also I wanted to be able to paddle around with my daughter sitting in my lap, or on the bow deck. The best placement for the bow bulkhead would be 11" from the bow transom.
I just wasn't sure if that small of an airbox would let me self rescue the boat, and I didn't want to make it a sit-on-top airbox. So I figured I could always change it later, so went ahead and installed the airbox, and here is the results of the testing.

NOTE: This whole time I am swimming, I did not put my feet on the bottom of the pool, that would be cheating.

Later I tried again pausing here for a while, and the water did come in swamping the boat again. So this indicates to me that for a 300 lb guy, this 149 lb airbox is the bare minimum.

Just in case, the coast guard send a frog woman incase I needed to be rescued.