How I Found This Sailboat
Article By Shorty

I called them and talked to them about the boat, they said they had sold it to someone else, but had a better boat to sell me (can't remember the type). I explained that this was the one I was interested in, so he gave me the name of the person who bought it.
So I called this next guy and said that I was interested in the boat. He told me he would be glad to sell it for $5000, but he was in the process of restoring it and really wanted to finish it before selling. I asked if he had seen the boat lately, because it was completely stripped, and laying in a field up in Conroe. He sounded rather panicked, and said would call me back in just a minute. Moments later, he called me back and said that the boat was just fine, sitting behind his garage and in great shape. Hmmm.... this is wierd. So I asked him to describe it to me -- he said it was a solid blue hull, white deck, wood trim, and was an oday 19 mariner. Ah HA! Then it became clear, someone had seen his boat and just put the same TX numbers on the bow of the hull I wanted so they didn't have to register it properly. I then described the hull I was trying to get, and some of my plans for it, and he proceeded to tell me that I was a luzer, my ideas woudln't work, and I wasn't a real sailor. A bit of a snot, but before I could thank him for his help, he hung up on me.

I was just about to call them, but before I did that, I saw a ghost of an image for Louisana numbers that were on the hull. So I called LA Parks, and they showed the hull last registered there in 1999, to the Boy Scouts !! HA! So I got a copy of their registration, and with a bill of sale from the boyscouts, and a pencil tracing of the hull number, I was able to get her registered here in Texas.