First Sail Rig - Stayed Mast, Jib and Main
Article By Shorty
I decided to call this boat Orbital Debris because I put her together with left over parts that I had laying around, and they all seemed to fit perfectly.
The original laser 2 has a huge mast and sail plan. I just happened to have a 16' tall mast left over from another boat project, so I set it up.

The mast step came from some boat I previously had, I honestly can't remember which though. Used some chain plates from a Hobie 16, some stay adjusters from another junk boat, and the side stays that were on the mast worked perfectly. The only thing I really had to make was a forestay, which I used a quick pin from the Hobie so I could clip the forestay on very quickly.

The main and jib were old tyvek sails I had made for a PD race some time ago. They were a bit big, so I reduced them down to fit, and re-sewed the corner patches etc.

The boom is a simple wooden stick with a gooseneck that I bought for another boat and never used.

So, she was ready to go. I took her out, sailed her a few times and I hate the rig. Somewhere along the line I had forgotten how bad I hate all those lines, cleats etc.
So I pulled the rig and hardware off, stored it on the ceiling of my garage, and started working on installing a mast sleeve, so I can use my PDRacer's Bolger 59 Leg O Mutton sprit sail -- which always has been my favorite sail rig.